Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My first

This is my first post!! I want to taste the wine of the world one bottle at a time. I enjoy drinking wine but, at the same time I have no background in wine. I like what like and I'm just a regular guy who enjoys a great tasting wine like the next person. What I want to accomplish is a learning experience for me and those who follow. My knowledge will grow as the tastings go on.
This being said, my first entry is about a wine from LODI. It's a 2007 Zinfandel named "PLUNGERHEAD." The reason I tried this one the first time was that my roomate had a friend of a friend that worked with this winery. The combination of this and an awesome label started my obsession. My experience with this wine is a full bodied Zinfandel that carries a hint of cinnamon and a fruit that my pallet with identify in posts to come. This bottle was 14.99 at my local beverage store, this being a little more that i shoot for but I feel it's worth it. I get a great holiday feel from this wine and I think you will too.

Until the end of the next bottle...


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