So it was dinner time. My dinner consisted mostly of liquid. The lucky choices were Coastline Cabernet 2008 and Daglia Canyon 2006. The appetizer was a good wine for going the distance. The Coastline provided a decent taste and low content making it a nice social wine. This was the choice for the arrival of guests and watching the train wrecks that were going to a 40th birthday party on the other side of the room. The flavor was nothing great and the legs were like the 300 pound Elvira looking lady that walked in for the Bday party, something you never want to see naked. After a good laugh the food was coming out and it was time to get to business. I switched to Daglia which provided a strong content more appealing to my tastes or lack there of after social hour. The flavor complimented the array of italian foods and the legs were long, dark, and smooth. Dinner was great and the good times rolled through the night heading over to the local watering hole for an amazing after dinner drink, LOUIS XIII. The lighting was not in my favor but, the flavor and experience was the jumblies. It was a great way to end an awesome night!
Until the end of the next bottle….